Saturday, July 1, 2017

Buffalo Pound Provincial Park - Moose Jaw, SK

We got to replenish our inventory, with Canadian products, in Brandon, MB.  We are tracing the same route we returned on last year, but staying in new places.  I just couldn't help but spend a night in Moose Jaw.  Actually we are well north of Mouse Jaw, in a hollow surrounding Buffalo Pound Lake.  With sun sort of shining, we put out our wet towels, put out the awning, and settled in for a nice internetless good book read.  No sooner were we settled but the wind picked up, the rain came down and we made a mad dash to put everything away and hunker down.  It didn't take long for the rain to end and we were out under the awning once more, wet towels and all!
Typical view of farmlands in MB and SK

The morning is too foggy to drive but with a quick ride to the top of the ridge, we have Internet to go along with our Saturday bacon and eggs.

Now we head north towards Edmonton.

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