Friday, June 30, 2017

Adam Lake Provincial Park - Boussevain, MB

Made it across North Dakota.  One more rain cell, and then it was clear skies.  Because we were from Virginia, the Canadian Custom Officers were not sure that we understood what a firearm was!  They explained that firearms also included rifles, shotguns, and semi-automatics.  Still not sure of us, they had us drive the RV into a special garage, where they closed all the doors, and tossed it for weapons.  After 20 minutes, they seemed convinced that we really were displaced New Englanders and would pose no serious threat to the inhabitants of Canada.  With the new travel ban in place, we are not sure if we will ever get back to the US...but then again...

Adam Lake is only 4 km from the border (we have converted all our electronics), so we have not really gotten into the Canadian Spirit yet.  And yes, it's Canada Day... Happy Birthday Canada...150 years old!

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