Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Congdon Creek - Destruction Bay, YT

Destruction Bay
It's another rainy day...we have stopped a few times to see points of interest along the way, but the clouds are very low and we can only see a few hundred feet from the road.  Deb suggests lunch in a restaurant in Haines Junction...a Reuben and a bacon cheeseburger.  Back on the road again, we get close to our destination and there is a nice hike to see the foot of a glacier.  The man at the info center says that the rain will end and tomorrow will be showers.  I'm not sure I can discern the difference.

Again, we dedicate the afternoon to cooking while the rain continues, but about ten o'clock at night, the sun finally came out and clouds lifted.  We could finally see the mountains.  By midnight, we could see all of the snow caps (yes, the sun never sets in the summer).

Before leaving, we finally got to take a short hike along the lake.  Then off to find some internet.


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