Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Pocahontas Campground - Jasper National Park, AB

Lake Edith
It's a "stay here Day!"  As Deb says, "I finally have some interesting pictures to post."  We started the morning in search of a Red Chair.  These are Red Adirondack chairs placed in areas with outstanding views.  We found two sets on our last trip, and found one here at Lake Edith.  There was a paved loop around Lake Annette that we took with Drex.  After lunch, we went into downtown Jasper, mailed a letter (the work of a not-for-profit treasurer is never ending). There was a brewery that we had found last time that needed a redo.  We sat outside, basking in the warm Jasper sun, with snow covered Mt Edith Cavell in the background, eating edemame and drinking local beer.  That, of course, brought on the need for a quick nap!

Pyramid Mountain

Lake Annette
There is a hot spring at the end of the road that our campground is on.  About 15 km up a winding valley road, we came to a swimming pool with a temperature of 104, and two hundred people...Deb says, "you don't really want to go in there, do you?"  Of course not!  There is a small little cafe with a Vegan soup which was delightful.  A short hike from the swimming pool was the remains of the original hot springs spa from the 1930's, with the sulfur springs and the sulfur smell.  On the way back down, we pulled into a rest area and had dinner with Ashlar Ridge in the background.

Tomorrow is our get ready for the Alaska highway Day!

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