Sunday, July 16, 2017

Chena Hot Springs Resort - Fairbanks, AK

View from Angels Rock

Chena Hot Springs is 60 miles north of Fairbanks.  It's the farthest north that we will go on this trip.  When we lived in California, we had planned a trip here to see the Northern Lights about twelve years ago, it never panned out because we could not carve the time out of our busy schedule.

On the way here, we stopped for a hike to Angels Rock...a spire of rock...with scenic views of the valley below.  All in all, it was a 3.5 mile hike with a 1,000 ft elevation...spectacular views.


At the end of the road, we arrived at Chena Hot eclectic resort, to say the least.  They have an RV Park off in the woods, but an easy walk to the resort itself.  We had to drive under the tail of the DC-6 that is parked at the end of the runway (I doubt that it will ever fly again...)

They had a free tour of Geothermal Power Plant that powers the entire resort from the hot springs, followed by a tour of the green houses where they grow all the vegetables for the dining room.  Of course, we also saw the reindeer herd that is being raised to provide reindeer meat, and the chickens, and goats.  Everything is grown with hydroponics...

After the tour, we went to the bar, where I had a double hop beer from Alaska, called Hopothermia. Followed by dinner in the dining room.  I had Alaskan Scallops and Deb had Alaskan Halibut.

Tomorrow, the Ice Palace (but we may skip the appletini at the ice bar).  Then back to Fairbanks to get ready for Denali.

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