Monday, July 31, 2017

Mendenhall Campground - Tongass NF, Juneau, AK (day ??)

Sampling Alaskan beer
Our last night in Juneau.  During this trip we have spent the night with million dollar views.  We are on a lake at the toe of the Mendenhall Glacier, and since glaciers are made of's sort of like living in a refrigerator.

We retrieved the dog from Pet Nanny, and I suggested that since we must be fairly close to the Alaskan Brewing Co, that we stop and do some tasting.  As usual, Deb, the consummate navigator, pointed out the fact that the brewery was right across the street from Pet Nanny.  Deb tried 4 oz of something light, while

Early morning walk through our campground
I finished the flight with "Smokey Porter'" for which there is no other name that would begin to do it justice.  I can only imagine what it would do to a breathalyzer!  In the afternoon, we took a short walk on the West Glacier Trail...fortunately, we saw the porcupine before Drex did!

We are in the process of cleaning out the fridge because it will be off for three days on the ferry.  Today we had salmon chowder, and stir fried everything else.

Tomorrow a few hikes and maybe a garden tour....we'll see.

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