Saturday, July 15, 2017

River's Edge RV Park - Fairbanks, AK (Day 2)

Deb's up at the crack of dawn (not really...dawn sorta cracks at about 2:00 AM) and off to the laundry to get a jump on the crowd.  With laundry done, we head to the Georgeson Botanical Gardens.  These are experimental gardens that are part of the University of Alaska. How do you maximize the growing season that has 22 hour days in the summer and 3 hour days in the winter.  Where the soil temperature is only 50 degrees ten inches under the surface.  Then there are the peonies with a shortened growing season that bloom from July to September, when in the lower 48 states, they bloom May to June, so there is an opportunity to ship cut flowers to the rest of the country.

We went to the museum at the University of Alaska, which had quite a bit of the history of Alaska. We have been listening to James Michener's Alaska on audio-book (we are 20 hours into it and have made it to 1862).  It was fascinating to see artifacts, and drawings of what we have been listening to.

University of Alaska Museum
We ate lunch on the River Walk, then grocery shopping, a trip to the post office and back for cocktails.  It's Friday night and that means Date Night.  There is A fairly highly rated Thai restaurant very close....not that anything in Fairbanks is far away.  We drove and even though it was after 6:00PM, it was still in the high 80's so we had to leave Drex in the RV with the air conditioner running (remember 2 nights ago it was 40 degrees for a high!).

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