Sunday, July 9, 2017

Liard River Campground - British Columbia

Lunch spot at the Sikanni River
Drove through the Rockies today.  They were not really very high here, but still breathtaking. There were dozens of rivers.  We stopped for lunch right on the edge of one.  It is rather remote, with only a few small towns on the way.  The road has patches of gravel every once in a while, and with speed limit at 100 km/hr (about 65), the gravel comes up quickly.
Natural Hot Springs

We have broken this part of the trip into 200 mile we stopped at Liard River, which has a hot spring that you can swim in.  Unlike Jasper, this spring was not crowded and it was pretty much natural.  You could swim close to the source, which was 54 degrees ( about 130 to any not metric buffs).  You could set the hot water temperature by swimming very close or very far away.  We opted.for about forty feet away... Deb said, "You don't want to get any closer, do you?"

Muncho Lake
There was also a "hanging garden" made from a calcified formation call tufa caused by the high calcium carbonate content in the hot spring water.  Deb saw her very first Bog Orchid and Cow Parsnip.

Though it was overcast and at times some light rain.  The fog and low clouds made for some amazing scenes.

These pink grasses line the roadways

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