Saturday, July 22, 2017

Ship's Creek Landing RV Park - Anchorage, AK

Seward cruise ship

Seward shoreline
We have returned from our southern sojourn.  A gorgeous night in Homer, driving to Seward for lunch and then back to Anchorage for date night.  So first of all, it was cloudy on the way down to Homer, and sunny on the way turns out there were huge...I mean really huge snow covered mountains on the other side of the bay, who knew?

Seward is a quiet little fishing village, and a cruise ship destination...there was a large cruise ship in port as we pulled in, but the cruise dock is about a mile from town, so I think we were pretty safe. We ate lunch at Zudy's Cafe, right on the water, splendid view, awesome food (way too much however...obviously our over indulgence at lunch is going to cramp our style for date night).

Seward is the start of the Iditarod dog sled race
On the return trip, we stop for a few groceries and a quick oil change.  Everyone we have met here is very friendly, extremely helpful, with no shortage of opinions!  Once back at the campground, we plan our date night.  It's got to be chain restaurants, it's got to be close and it has to have a place to park the RV.  And tonight it has to be small plates, since lunch is still very much with us.  We find Spenard's Roadhouse, with a bank next door (big parking lot).  The menu included reindeer pizza.  As we sit down for diner, the woman at the table next to us says I look familiar, she thinks I'm some brain surgeon from her past!  Sorta like the old "didn't we go to different high-schools together? pick-up line.  Anyway, we talked all through dinner.  We told them about RVing, and they told us about all the places in Alaska that we missed seeing, with no shortage of opinions.  They were very nice people, and we had a lively time, and besides the food was excellent.

Tomorrow we are off towards Haines (4 or 5 days away) for the first of two ferry rides to "get back down" (that's the way us Alaskans talk about the lower 48).

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