Friday, July 7, 2017

Mile "0" Campground - Dawson Creek, BC

The scenic route to Alaska is a deserted highway with deer, and moose, and caribou.  Pretty much just us and the animals, through the foothills of the Rockies.  That is until we reached the Montney Gas Fields.  It's a huge area, shaped like a football field that covers northwestern Alberta and eastern British Columbia (150 years of natural gas for Canada).  This is boomtown country with literally thousands of tractor trailer trucks, none of whom seemed particularly delighted to share the road with a few RV'S.

Dawson Creek is Mile "0" of the Alaska Highway.  We, of course, did the obligatory picture of the mile "0" cairn, the mile "0" landmark sign, the mile "0" milepost...stayed at the Mile "0" campground. I guess there is only one thing left to do...start driving!

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