Saturday, July 29, 2017

Mendenhall Campground - Tongass NF, Juneau. AK (day 2)

Sealaska Heritage Center
I had one of those midnight epiphanies.  There are no RV's on the road anywhere near Juneau, and there certainly are no parking places.  So we rented a small SUV at Alaska prices, not a pretty picture, but it turned out to be well worth it.  Today, we returned our Canadian Mifi and our emergency sat phone,  we boarded Drex...he was pretty excited about a chance to be out of the RV for a few days, and then we headed for Juneau.  A little shopping for Alaskan edibles...Christmas, etc... then a few art stores and museums...then off to what made Juneau famous, especially during the gold rush...bars...we checked out a few that were probably left over from the that time
Hike in the Mendenhall Campground
, but finally settled on a fairly new establishment with 150 different whiskeys.  Then off for some Indian was Deb's idea.  Oh, so spicy!  Back to to the RV for an early flight tomorrow 5:30 AM on Alaska Seaplanes.  No living in the comfort zone for us!

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