Sunday, July 30, 2017

Mendenhall Campground - Tongass NF, Juneau, AK (day 3)

Gustavus Airport
Today's plan is fairly complex.  We have rented a car, found a place to board Drex, and now the challenge... Up at 3:30 AM, catch a 5:30 flight in a one engine Cessna to Gustavus, AK.  From there it's a shuttle to Glacier Bay Lodge.  We have a breakfast overlooking Bartlett Cove.  At 7:00 we board our tour boat for our all day trip up Glacier Bay, 65 miles to the Canadian border.  With the Park Ranger's help we identify birds including puffins, mountain goats, humpback whales, orcas, sea lions, and everyone's favorite....the playful sea otters.  At the very end of the Bay we sit in front of a 250' high, one mile wide glacier that is moving into the sea at 6-8' per day.  While we were there a huge piece of the glacier calved off (so big that our 50' catamaran had to turn bow to the glacier to avoid being thrown around by the waves).
Margerie Glacier in Glacier Bay

Once back at the Lodge, we took a short hike, had dinner, took the shuttle back to Gustavus Airport, flew back to Juneau (I got to fly co-pilot) and back to our campsite by 8:00...asleep by 9:00.

Glacier Bay Lodge

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