Monday, June 17, 2024

VRBO - Saint Malo, Brit


Most of the laundry has dried and has slowly climbed back into our suitcases.  Deb is anxious for breakfast but I want to have Kouign Amann (pronounced kwina man) fresh from the oven. It is a local laminated pasty made with 40% flour, 30% butter and 30% sugar.  As the French say, Oh LaLa!

 Saint Malo has the highest tides in Europe.  They can be as much as 30’ but today was only 12’.  There are islands that you can walk to at low tide but not at high tide.  There is even a self filling swimming pool!  

There is only so much you can do here.  You can walk the ramparts(we did eight miles according to Deb’s watch) or you can eat and drink at sidewalk cafes (we ate eight times according to my belt).  Both of these activities provide an opportunity for extensive people watching, which is probably what makes this place so popular.  I wonder if those people were watching us…nah. 

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