Sunday, June 23, 2024

La Maison Pavie - Dinan, FR


It’s our last day in Brittany.  It’s really a great place to visit in France,  although it is more of a French vacation destination, mostly Parisians.  We are pretty much into the Brittany timetable, not being the only ones in the restaurant, etc; although the place we are staying offers a family style breakfast from 8 to 10 and Deb and I ate alone at 8:01.

After breakfast, we walked the ramparts which were built in the 1400’s, moved to make room for roads in the 1600’s, removed in the 1800’s, restored in the 2000’s.  The ramparts overlook the Rance river which has carved a 300 ft valley.  From Dinan, there is a rambling cobblestone path leading down to the port on the river.  Lots of little cafes line the banks with dozens of boats moored up. 

Looking up at the ramparts, we realize that they are a formidable defense against an invading army.  Looking at the cobblestone streets, we realize that they are formidable defense against rollerbag tourists.  For our afternoon walk, Deb and I plot out an exit strategy that minimizes the number of cobblestones.  We now have a plan!  Tomorrow we execute!

Our final conquest in Brittany is to climb the clock tower.  It’s only slightly slanted and mostly just at the top. There is a small landing at the top which used to be where one of the town’s people would look out for fires and invading armies.  The bells chiming are a little off putting, to say the least.   We can see all of Dinan from here…even our little hotel!

Tomorrow we return to Paris.

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