Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Hotel Villathéna - Paris

 We have nearly completed our first day in France. So let’s be completely honest here.  After diligently doing little French lessons for a year, we are still pretty much stuck at “Merci” and “si vous plaît”. 

As we have found before, language is not really the problem.  It’s figuring out when to eat in Europe that always eludes us.  By the time we had reached Paris, we had eaten two dinners: pizza at the airport and shepherds pie somewhere over Newfoundland and a tiny little breakfast snack over the Atlantic at about 3:00AM.  Once we got to hotel to drop off our bags, the bed looked so inviting that we decided to forego lunch for a short nap.  After all, google says that many places stay open all afternoon.  Maybe they do where google lives but not here in Paris. 

Look all ways before crossing!

We set out from the hotel and after a short hike we found a “fast food” eatery.  Deb had a chai latte, while adventurous me had a “golden latte”. Turns out that in a golden latte they replace the chai with curry.  Well there’s a pick me up!  

According to Google, Parisians eat dinner around 8:00.  We arrived at our little sidewalk cafe at 7:00 for dinner and the place was packed, but, voila!, everyone was just drinking.  We finished our dinner by 8:30 (they put us in a back room so as not to upset their regular clientele) and, voila!, the place was still packed with people just drinking.  So when do they eat? Tomorrow, we will slooth this out and report back!

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