Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Les Terrasses Pollard - Mont Saint Michel, FR

 Today, we are off to Mont Saint Michel, one of the most iconic places in France.  Our special advantage is that we get to park in lot P3 because we have the secret code (I thought that the treat was free parking, but is apparently incorrect, so I have no idea what it is!). From the parking lot it’s a 35 minute walk or a 10 minute shuttle bus ride.  There is a new bridge, so you don’t have to wait for low tide anymore.  

Just like lemmings to the sea, humans need to climb to the highest point - and off we go.  Mont Saint Michel has a small town (population 29) with a narrow street that rises up to the entrance to the abbey. Once in the abbey, it’s one way traffic climbing to the church and then one way traffic back down through the cloisters back to the town. 

 Most interesting is human size squirrel wheel to raise food and supplies into the abbey. Once back in town it was time for lunch.  The specialty here is  omelettes.  Since the omelette was listed as an appetizer it couldn’t be that big, could it?  Deb and I debate sharing one, but instead she opts for the bolognaise from the kid’s menu.  I was brought up to clean my plate, especially if it’s the specialty.  This one was a struggle.

The rest of the day is dedicated to exploring the town’s 30 restaurants, finding our hotel, and watching the tide come in.  

Tomorrow, we head back to Saint Malo, but this time in one of the beach front hotels.

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