Friday, June 14, 2024

VRBO - Bayeux, FR

We took a long train ride (150 miles) from Paris to Bayeux, our stepping off point for visiting the Normandy beaches.  We arrived a little early to check into our VRBO, so we had lunch, more French style, at 1:30.  After checking in, we ambled around town.  They had just celebrated the 80th anniversary of the invasion on June 6th so the town is still decked out in American, Canadian and British flags.  

We took the obligatory walk through the cathedral (not sure why I need to go into every cathedral I see).  The cathedral was started in 1077 but was nearly destroyed in the 12th century and then rebuilt in the 15th century and completed in the 19th century.  Deb liked it because it has thousands of gargoyles, most of which were pretty secular (like two cherubs heads together sharing one eye)

Today was just a get acquainted with the town day.  We found a few interesting restaurants and a market where we could buy cheese and wine and instant coffee.  And a small loaf of fresh bread for $.75!  

Bayeux is a British and American tourist destination, so all our acquired French dinner time rules do not apply.  Restaurants are full by 6:30, sacré bleu!

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