Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Stephen Foster State Park (Okeefenokee Swamp) - Fargo, GA

The morning started out with a short hike, and the realization that the clinky noises we were hearing were coming from the rear hubcap which was in need of a few pop-rivets.  With our maintenance issue resolved, we headed out.  At lunch, we tried our first Crock-pot meal on wheels, a slow cooker meal in the sink, with the lid well secured.

Stephen Foster State Park was a place we visited four years ago, we had a memorable canoeing experience.  This time, we decided to rent a small motor boat instead, hoping that we could go a little further in the limited time that we had.  Unlike last time which was fairly cold, and mostly bird watching, this time we saw hundreds of alligators swimming all around us.  So first of all, the mandatory life jacket did not seem the most critical item if I accidentally fell overboard.  Second, there is no way I that I wanted to take a tippy canoe anywhere near this place.  Beautiful, yet exhilarating is the way I would describe it.

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