Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Santee State Park (Cypess View Campground) - Santee, SC

Santee SP, SC
Our first day out on our Jubilee Trip (I googled it and Jubilee can be anything special - not necessarily 50 years - in our case our fifth year).  Today was the “get out of Dodge day.”  Deb is okay with long days as long as she has some warning.  This was a 420 mile day, all interstate driving but non the less a fairly long day.  Fortunately for me, the campsite was in a gorgeous park, and right next to Lake Marion (site 39).  On arriving, Deb said we should do this again!  Either I brought the wrong wife, or my dasdardly plan worked!

We are breaking in a new rug for our patio area.  The rug that survived several years at the Bay School and then four years on the road finally gave into a burning mosquito coil last year.  We are also breaking in a couple of solar panels, we check them every so often to make sure they are still there. So far, so good.

Tomorrow, we plan on taking a short hike before heading out to the Okeefenokee Swamp.  This year we are trying out a tiny crock-pot that we can put in the sink while driving,  Tomorrow night, we will be having Brunswick Stew (in Georgia) or peanut butter sandwiches depending on how things go. And maybe boiled peanuts!

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