Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Main Street Inn - Mackinac Island

The view from our balcony at the Main Street Inn

 The dog went to Sunrise Kennels, the RV stayed at the KOA, and we took the 16 minute super fast ferry to Mackinac Island (sometime it's spelled Mackinac, sometimes Mackinaw, but it's always pronounced Mackinaw).  When we got up it was pouring, it let up and drizzled on and off for the rest of the day...but we had our rain gear, so we explored the island some, then we had some food and drink, and then we explored some, and then more food and drink...and so it processed throughout the afternoon and evening.  We finally finished at Mary's Bistro, with a choice of any of fifty draft beers and, of course, deviled eggs, which Deb finished with a pillow treat of peanut butter fudge.  After a quick breakfast at the only place open at 7:00 in the morning, we hopped the ferry back to the RV, got the dog and headed out.

Lovely views all over the island
Mackinac Island was the setting for that wonderful movie, "Somewhere in Time" with Christopher Reeves and Jane Seymour.  It was showing at the bar, and there was a little boutique with the same name.  We promised ourselves that we will watch it sometime.  There are only three motor vehicles on the island, an ambulance, a fire truck and a police car.  Everything else is done by horse and carriage.  They banned cars in 1898. On the island you can bicycle, hike, eat and drink, and most importantly, buy fudge. There are more fudge stores than bars! We would return in a heartbeat.
Bicycle shop near the ferry


  1. It's too bad we couldn't stowaway in the back of the camper. It sounds like the beginning of a trip never to be forgotten.

  2. Mackinaw Island is on our list. My mother went on a few trips to in the winter. She told tales of people walking across the frozen lake to the island. Now you have given me the rest of the story. More "fudge shops than bars." Thanks for sharing!
