Thursday, June 22, 2017

Douthat State Park - Millboro, VA

Packed and ready to go!
It's the first day of our Alaska Trip.  It's kinda a "get outta Dodge" kind of day, lots of trucks...there was a traffic jam at a popular truck stop exit just because the price of fuel was low.  Once we started heading to West Virginia, the traffic got very light, though.  We'd been to Douthat before, but we didn't remember until we got to the visitor's center.  There were a dozen or so campers hovering around the building like moths to a light.  The visitor's center has WiFi and there is no cell coverage in the park!
This morning we took quick showers and headed to the lake for breakfast.  It's a lovely view and there is a restaurant (we will be returning here for our last night and plan on having dinner).  Lots of people are here hovering around the restaurant even though it's not open...yup...WiFi. Today, we are off to Ohio.  There is another Campground right on the lake... maybe next time we should check it out!
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