Saturday, November 21, 2015

Final outing for 2015

Where we have RV'd
The RV is put to bed for the year.  We took a short trip to the Eastern Shore, visiting Onacock and Cape Charles.  Had a filling lunch at the Onacock General Store, but everyone just calls it Janet's.  The trip was to interview our Juror and Judge for the upcoming Art Speaks on the Bay Show.  Hopefully, we will be able to do some courier service in the spring to pick up some artwork.  There are so many artists on the Eastern Shore, it's ridiculous!

We are in the midst of planning our summer trip for next year.  Our plan is to go to the Canadian Rockies.  We went there when we were much younger (before kids) and loved it.  We will probably have a spring trip, as well but we don't have any destinations in mind.    We will definitely see Michigan, Wisconsin and South Dakota on our Rockies trip. We have two interestingly missed states: Missouri and Rhode Island.

Today, we bought a Christmas present for the RV -  New Vanity Plates - CN PLCS.  We will post pictures once the plates arrive.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Staunton River State Park - Scottsburg, VA

It was sort of a foliage trip.  None of the leaves had changed colors in Viginia Beach when we left and there were no leaves on the trees when we got to Staunton River...therefore with deductive reasoning (or maybe inductive reasoning - I'm sure either of our sons would know which is correct) we saw Viginia's fall foliage.  When we got here, we went for a great walk along the river.  Drex saw a deer and gave chase (Drex, note to self...way too old for that stuff).  They sell firewood for $.50 a stick, and after the fire disaster at Greyson-Highlands (90 minutes of smoke and never a flame), Deb deserved it.  I had enough money for 7 sticks.  After an hour or so, Deb gives me a fiver, and with her best little girl voice asked if she could have just a little bit more (signs of a true campfire junkie).

Well, this has been a Type B trip...go where the wind takes us...and last night the wind brought the wind is taking us home.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

First Landing State Park VA

Broad Bay
We biked on the multi-purpose trail at First Landing State Park.  It was a wonderful fall day, perfect for biking.  We had biked it on Mother's Day but we wimped out and only did 8 miles.  This time we bit the bullet and completed the 12 mile trail.  It was worth it!  We had a nice lunch stop at Broad Bay (see photo).  But Deb paid the price.  She had no blood left in her legs.

We had our Friday date night dinner at the Hot Tuna in Virginia Beach area.  It was wonderful, good food, good service and good atmosphere. 

Thursday, October 29, 2015

First Landing - Virginia Beach, VA

We're back at First Landing.  We seem to end up here at the beginning of every fall trip... Now three years in a row.  We are at the same site we were at for Mother's Day, six months ago.  The weather is gorgeous... 76 degrees, sunny.  We walked the beach with Drex going in and out of the water.  We sat around till the sun set, admiring the "messy" beauty of nature.  The grasses here have very sharp small burrs. It's nature's "invisible electric fence". If Drex takes even one step away from the campsite, he gets one of those burrs in his paw and he won't move until I come "rescue" him!

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Grayson-Highland State Park - Damascus, VA

We left Mammoth Caves with 400 miles and a time zone change that was not in our favor ahead of us.  At first, our GPS routed us on interstates but later sent us across Kentucky on scenic highways.  It was a lovely drive until we got to Damascus (a town we really would like to get back to).  After Demascus the road turned curvy and nasty for 25 miles
Grayson-Highland has always been on our must see list.  The park itself is nice, but the campground was incredibly crowded.  Granted, it's Labor Day weekend but it wasn't fun.  Tried to light a campfire but couldn't get it started, so we watched "Foot-Loose".  Left before sunrise for home.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Mammoth Cave National Park - KY

Spelunking in Kentucky
It was a quick drive to Mammoth Caves.  Got in and settled by 2:30.  Deb says "you want to do a cave tour at 3:00?  Sure, but it's 95 and the dog will fry... But there is a kennel at the Hotel ... What hotel?  We close up the RV and look for the hotel ... The line at check in is long and the clerk doesn't seem to mind.  Deb gets the cave tour tickets ... I finally get the lock for the kennel that is way over there... Deb says give me the keys to the RV ... I  don't have them. ... Well I don't have them... We only have two minutes till the tour... I'll find the keys you find the kennel... Excuse me  sir, are these your keys?  We can't leave the dog here, He has no water....  Wow, there's a bowl... Just need to find a spigot.  Ah, there's the water.   How do you lock this thing?  Oh, I see... Run... Run... And we join the tour at precisely 3:00... Yes we are masters at time management...

The cave tour was thrilling.  For a general tour is was pretty tight in spaces, but the cave is huge and very long.  We walked two miles, down 350'.

Back at camp, we celebrated my birthday with garlic mashed potatoes, T-bone steak, and corn on the cob. For dessert, we had RV made vanilla cake with Ben & Jerry Cherry Garcia Ice cream.  Deb finally got her Angry Orchard (they never heard of it in Kansas or Arkansas).  I'm drinking Sorta IPA.

Meeman-Shelby State Park - Millington, TN

Hollandaise sauce and grilled salmon!
Left Oklahoma at 7:30 and drove through the Ozarks. Rolling wooded hills or mountains (if you use a little imagination). Meeman-Shelby is a nice little hardwood forest near Memphis, actually across the road from where I did my technical training in the Navy (that part was decommissioned in 1993). Gosh I feel old!  Speaking of getting older.  Tomorrow s my birthday, so Deb made a cake in our convection/microwave oven.  (Tomorrow we will not have power, and the oven puts a load on the batteries).  It looks really good, and as an added bonus, she asked what we could do with two egg yokes...and we had already decided on Salmon.. was Hollandaise Sauce on the Barbie!

Then  we watched Gran Torino with Clint Eastwood .... I thought it was an adventure flick ... It was good but I probably should have googled it to set my expectations.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Natural Falls State Park - Colcord, OK

Dripping Spring

We've decided to change our itinerary slightly but Natural Falls stayed.  Only three hours drive. The park is the size of a postage stamp but had a few nice hikes. We went to the natural falls.

Had to run the A/C for awhile but it cooled down. Off at the crack of dawn or as cracked as we ever get at 7:30 to get to Tennessee.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Wellington KOA - KS

It's Kansas, It's 95 degrees, It's miles of flat farmland.  We're at a KOA with a pool. It's very nice, site 17 (E/W).  Tomorrow we're off to Oklahoma.

Chris forgot to mention that we are right near the highway and train tracks.  We listened to train whistles all night long.  At one point Chris counted 21 whistle blows in succession.   (Instead of counting sheep, I guess.)

Scott Lake State Park - Scott City, KS

It's Kansas.  Deb is certain that every cloud is a potential twister.  She has taken some solace in listening to the Weatherband on the radio.  After a few hundred miles of sorghum farms, we arrive at Lake Scott, a literal oasis, a small dimple in the flat landscape with a spring fed lake.

The campsite is nice, right next to the lake (site 1 E/W). After dinner, Deb suggests a bike ride.
We rode around the lake, which was actually pretty far. We had to walk our bikes under the spillway, Deb wasn't worried. We biked as the sun was setting,  Deb wasn't worried.  I guess if you can live a whole day in Kansas without being swept up to the land of Oz, you can live through anything.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Sugarite Canyon State Park - Raton, NM

Once Deb went to visit Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs when she was on a business trip.

 Maybe she can explain the reasoning for that better than I can, but she said it was nice, so we stopped for lunch.  As they Say...OMG... it was gorgeous.  It was free, you could bring dogs, the weather was perfect,  ate lunch staring at Pike's Peak..

Sand Lily

Now Sugerite Canyon.....I have no clue why we drove a few hours out of our way to stay here.  It was nice, it was friendly, it was on a lake that was 20 ft x 20ft,  and it was very far from anywhere.

But, I did find this beautiful wild lily!

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Rocky Mountain National Park - CO

Well, this must be the trip of scarey drives.  One rim drive after another.  This was 35 miles of windy uphill to a height of 12,200 feet!! The scenery was gorgeous, right on top of the Rocky Mountains.  So high that the trees stop growing over 11,000 feet.  Why are we always on the cliff side of the road?  I could look down thousands of feet!  The pictures just don't reflect the terror properly.

The campsite was safe, well sort of safe, once we got thru the bear lesson, on how bears can open car doors, and climb through RV windows.  The ranger suggested beating pans together, that way the bear would think you were going to start cooking him something.  We were at site 190, with a view of the mountains (as usual, dry camping).

Friday, August 28, 2015

Silt KOA - Silt, CO

It's been awhile since our last laundry stop and we're actually looking forward to a non eventful afternoon. The longest hike was to the laundry room, the only edge was at the pool.

Minor's Claim in Silt, Co

Tonight is Friday, so we are going to eat downtown at the "Miner's Claim."

Dinner was great!   We road our bikes from the KOA to the restaurant.  That helps to work off the extra calories.

 The KOA overlooked the Rocky Mountains, or maybe the foothills.  Lovely sunset and sunrise.

Colorado National Monument - Fruita, CO

The road to Delicate Arch was washed out at Arches National Park, so we had to walk the 3 mile round trip hike.  It was marked as "strenuous" and we are marked as "slightly out of shape".
Delicate Arch in Utah

By 11:30, we were on the road again to our next stop.  Maps are two dimensional and never show the 2,000 ft climb, but, of course, the name itself should have cast some idea - "Scenic Rim Road"  Yes, another terrifying trip at the very edge of a 2,000 ft precipice with no guardrail.
Our campsite was wonderful.  Right on the edge of the cliff, overlooking Fruita.  There was a lighting storm in Fruita, but it was clear with a bright moon where we were.  We were at site 32, it was dry camping...(we've been dry camping since Las Vegas)
The climb on Rim Road - not for the faint of heart!

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Arches National Monument - Moab, UT

Sunset from the top of our RV!
After an $11 stop to dump and take on water in Blanding, UT, we headed for Moab, UT.  Years ago, we stayed at the Gonzo Inn in Moab and really enjoyed it.  So since it was raining, a pretty rare occurrence here, we stopped for lunch.  Deb wanted Mexican food.  According to Trip Advisor, there were 11 Mexican Restaurants in Moab.  We choose The Moab Diner, which turned out not to be really Mexican, but as you looked, each item on the menu was how a Mexican might make it.  I had a Melt, which had chili instead of cheese on it.  Deb had a Navajo Taco which turned out to be large fry bread with chili on it.  It was excellent, but we will have a small dinner tonight..

 It was a good thing that we went to Natural Bridges first.  The arches here dwarf anything we have seen before.  We spent the day, on the 17 mile road which with dozens of outlooks and short hikes got us to The Devil's Garden...our stop for the night (site 32).  We are still dry camping with no water or dump site.  From the campground, it's a short bike ride to the trail head where we hiked in to see Landscape Arch, a very long, very thin arch.  It looks like it will collapse very soon.  The rain finally stopped, but not without one little downpour, as we were biking back to the site.  In the morning we will go to see Delicate Arch before heading to Colorado.

Natural Bridges National Park - Blanding, UT

From The Navajo National Monument to Natural Bridges is a pretty short ride, but if you do it right, it can be somewhat terrifying.  We took Utah Rte 261, which is not recommend for vehicles over 10,000 lbs, and/or RV's, trailers and such.  The sign should have read "not recommended for sane people". After that death defying act, we made it to our site (5).
A little focused!

A natural bridge is created by a river.
At the park there is a 9 mile scenic loop that goes to 3 Natural Bridges.   Since we had no internet, I bought a book on Geology.  I have been studying the rock formation at our next site, Arches National Monument.  I know Deb will be thrilled to hear me explain how the Arches were formed.  We were going to hike down to one of them in the morning but it started to rain!  So we packed up and headed on!  Although we are self contained, there is a limit.  We are on our third day of dry camping, and our second with no dump station or water. (We now know we can go three days without water, but it looks like we have several more nights with no water to go)

A side note, a National Monument can be created with a presidential decree, a National Park requires an act of Congress.  Who knew!

Monday, August 24, 2015

Navajo National Monument

We drove along the north side of the Grand Canyon, under the Vermilion Cliffs, across the Colorado River, over ridges, through canyons.  A Walmart in Page, AZ where we went house boating a few years ago, and on to Navajo National Monument, an out of the way, little known place of extraordinary beauty.  We are sitting at the rim of a canyon where Indian cave dwellers lived in 1300. There is no charge for staying here, no maximum stay... No reason to ever leave...

Even in this arid climate there are beautiful flowers and shrubs.  Sagebrush covers the prairies.  At this location we came across Rocky Mountain Beeplant, which is in the Cleome family.  Also, Buffaloberry shrub which is a beautiful silver green.

North Rim of the Grand Canyon - AZ

After 100+ days in Vegas we left for 70's in Arizona.  North Rim is on a 42 mile access road.  Our site (18) was one of three right on the rim of the canyon.  We only got 4 hours sleep on our last night, so by the time we got there we were exhausted.  We carefully looked at our hiking options...1 mile - too long... 1/4 mile - doable. Walked to Bright Angel point... Followed by a beer at the Lodge...very doable.

The little booklet explained the geology... I studied it, but I still failed the test.  We did a short hike in the morning, before heading off.

Circus Circus - Las Vegas, NV

We stopped for gas Mesquite, NV.  The temperature was a balmy 108. reached Vegas.  Drex decided to stay at Camp Bow Wow. Air conditioned but noisy.  We parked the Tardis at the "RV park" with full hook-ups.  Actually not as bad as you might think.  It was next to the hotel and the hotel was on the extended strip.  Kids managed to dribble in by 6 and we went to the Venitian for dinner.  Saturday we kept amused at the hotel until we decided to venture in the afternoon heat to find "High Roller," the tallest Ferris wheel in the world.
High Roller - Las Vegas
Very cool ride, literally.  Finished the day with Mexican food and then on to see Cirque du Soleil, "Kà."  $165 million production, 1 Epic Battle.

Left Sunday, after a quick breakfast... It was fantastic to see our kids...wish it was more than twice a year... But at least when we get together it is "epic."

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Capitol Reef National Park - UT

We had a change in plans.  Instead of spending the night in Great Basin NP in Nevada, we went to Capitol Reef...never heard of it.  Well, it may have become our favorite park.  It's the largest water pocket fold  in North America... I know...who knew!  But actually it is really interesting, with an oasis, fruit trees, hiking trails... We went for a short hike, along a cliff face.  If you slipped, it could be sudden death.  After a geological presentation we were
only somewhat less confused about where these rock formations came from... but we did find out that they sell cinnamon rolls and pies every morning, which was something that we completely understood.  Sites were a little unlevel, well maybe more than a little!  In the morning we are off to Vegas to see the kids, have a good meal, see a show.. As they say in the west... Onward Ho!

Antelope Island State Park - Syracuse, UT

Our western journey came to an end, as we started heading south.  Antelope Island is in the middle of the Great Salt Lake.  The lake is pretty low this year, so it is a long walk from the normal shoreline to the lake.  As we were driving across the causeway to the island, we saw shimmering black sand at the waterline...then we realized it was not shimmering sand but rather millions of flies, attracted to the brine shrimp that wash up on shore.  We stayed away from the water's edge.  Our site overlooked a small bay, and we watched the sun set into the smoke from all of the California and Oregon wild fires.  This was our first dry camping night of the trip (site 2).

Massacre Rocks State Park - American Falls, ID

We got up early and got out quickly so that we would travel in the morning light shining on the Grand Tetons as we went through the park.  It was spectacular.  Interestingly, we followed the Snake River for the rest of the day, having lunch at a vista overlooking the river and finally going down I-86 (the shortest interstate highway) to Massacre Rock, where apparently Indians could ambush settlers as they went through the narrow passage there.  The park is nestled right next to the river with overlooks and hiking trails.  It's also haunted.  Our DVD player stopped working, the radio turned itself on in the middle of the night, the power was flickering, and the shower started leaking.  The next morning we decided to bicycle to Register Rock where the settlers had carved their names while traveling through the valley, until a pit bull made us turn around (we did get there, but by RV instead).

The Snake River in Idaho

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Flagg Ranch - Jackson, WY

We weren't sure if Flagg Ranch was going to be special..and it wasn't.  At our lunch stop, I offered a few fish the opportunity to join us, but I got no takers. We decided to spend the rest of the day at Yellowstone.  After seeing what we wanted to see, we finished with Old Faithful at 5:00 and got to our site by 7:00... The next morning we got up early to see the Grand Tetons in the morning light.
To close for comfort!

Greybull, WY

It was a day of choices, KOA or dry camp... Route 16 or Route 14.  In the end, it was Route 16 to the Greybull KOA.  Route 16 was one of the most scenic highways we have seen.  It was awesome vista after awesome vista.  At one point, we were following the Ten Sleep Creek... We stopped while I climbed down the banks and fly fished for a little while.
Caught two nice brookie's.  Just before Greybull, we found a "super bay" car wash.  We washed a weeks worth of bugs off the RV.  The weather is starting to turn.. It's getting cooler

Wildflowers of the West

Well, spring would be a better time for wildflowers.  But, I always seems to find some interesting ones, even in August.  So, here are a few from Nebraska.  The Common Sunflower is everywhere right now.  Along the sides of highways, in prairies, even in some woodland areas.  Today, on a hike, I found this beautiful flower, Wild Bergamot.  Love it!
Common Sunflower
Bull Thistle - Wyoming
Scarlet Indian Paintbrush - Wyoming
Wild Bergamot - Nebraska

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Keyhole State Park - Moorcroft, WY

Turns out Deb is fascinated by Wooly Mammoths...married 30 years and I never knew.  So we stopped at the "Mammoth Site" in Hot Springs, SD.  Deb was sure it would be a bust but Trip Advisor gave it a 4.75 which as good enough for me.  Wow, what a place.  It was a sink hole that the Wooly Mammoths fell into and could not get out.  There were more than 60...all male (or so they say!)
As we were driving along I saw a sign for another "malformation" - Devil's Tower.  It was a little out of our way but the temperature has been in the mid nineties.  So we decide to take the extra time to see  Devil's Tower. It was amazing and with the sun fairly low, there were wonderful shadows.  We walked the perimeter trail around it, watching climbers going up and down the face.
We pulled into Keyhole State Park, set up camp and sat outside watching the boaters and swimmers on the lake.  It's a beautiful park, and maybe it was just because it was Saturday night, but the loud music, yapping dogs, snarling dogs, littered fire pits, etc. really detracted from the beauty of the place.  The site itself (29 E/W) was lovely, pretty much right on the water. 

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Chadron State Park - Chadron, NE

Deb's bucket list included seeing Chimney we did, but we could not very close...she was a little bummed.  So we went to Scott's Bluff.  We got right to the base, and there was a road to the top, but "No Motorhomes Allowed" Deb was a little bummed.  So when we got to Chadron State Park (site 36 E) there were hundreds of rock formation, with a road to the top.  It was not a road that we should have been on...dirt, narrow, ruts...more of an ATV kind of road...Deb was a little bummed.

But it is all gorgeous country.

We had our traditional Saturday breakfast on the back porch!

Friday, August 14, 2015

Lake McConaughy State Park - Lamoyne, NE

So first of all I thought it was Lake MacNaughty...but then I realized that I was in Nebraska.  Got our first real dose of rolling prairies yesterday.  We are sitting right beside the Lake (reservoir actually, at 95% capacity) at site 40 (E/A/S) which is next to the camp host...kinda like having to sit next to the teacher..
We took Drex down to the is good!

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Hastings, NE

Spent the night at a KOA. (Cleaning & Maintenance Stop).  Finally got some pool time.  How can the pool be so cold when it is so hot out?

This morning, we went to Hastings, NE.  had breakfast at the Back Alley Bakery, cinnamon rolls and local coffee.  We picked up some Brie Bread for lunch.  Hastings is well known in the area as the place where Edward Perkins invented Kool-aide.  So we went to the Kool-aide museum to check it out.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Ponca State Park - Ponca, NE

A short driving day, now that we are out of the east.  We try to book some extra miles each day as we are leaving familiar ground.  Ponca State Park is so nice it is almost luring us to stay an extra day.  We are way up on the hill (3 miles from the entrance), with only one other camper (site 99 W/E).  After a short hike, I suggested that we go to the pool.  Deb says, "I know what you are trying to're trying to do something interesting." She caught me!  Anyway the pool was closed...bummer.. But we went for a drive on the scenic outlook road.  We saw the Missouri River, in the only part that is not channeled or dammed all the way from South Dakota to St Louis.  Last night Deb had a hankerin' for Baby Back Ribs.  It was a challenge in an RV, but with a little parboiling before putting it on the Barbie basted
with some BBQ sauce made with Ketchup and Maple Syrup, it was pretty good.

Went for a before breakfast bike ride to see an old burled oak.  It was a sapling in 1644.

Ledges State Park - Boone, IA

Fairly cool today, the weather forecasters say we will have mild weather for the next several days.  Yesterday, northern Iowa got 4" of rain, which closed the Canyon Road at Ledges.  We had read about it in their website, so we were ready.  The campsite is at the top of the canyon and was unaffected.  For us it meant that the park was closed to vehicles, but wide open for bicycles.  Instead of bridges, the park has paved the road across the stream, so you ford the stream.  Yesterday it was over half a foot deep!  We had a lovely site (21 Electricity) right next to camp dog sitter.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Starved Rock State Park - Utica, IL

Rainy day. It's suppose to clear up in the afternoon or not depending on what you read.  We're supposed to hike but I think I might need a plan "B". By the time we found our site (99) with electricity, it had started to rain again, so we headed for the August Hill Winery in Utica. Deb tried a flight of whites and I tried a flight of reds with crackers and cheese, of course.  By the time we were done the sun was shining. We took a short hike to Starved Rock and Frenchman's canyon.  Although it wasn't too hot, it was muggy and Drex didn't want to go any further. Smart Dog!  Back to campsite  for dinner, some fortified grape juice (no alcohol allowed) and a Dr Who episode. In the morning we hiked into St Louis Canyon before heading to Iowa.

St. Louis canyon, Utica, Il

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Hueston Woods State Park - Camden, OH

Our second night at Hueston Woods (site H31).  It has been raining so it was a little bit buggy.  Got to use our new power extension cord.  Most exciting part of Ohio was the 25 miles of Yard Sale on route 127  even one the campgrounds turned into 127 yards sale sites. After we left, we realized that we never took a picture.  Guess it wasn't that memorable.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Ohiopyle State Park, PA

Our first day out.  Started with torrential rain as we were heading down the driveway...we had to pull off and wait for the rain to stop.  But within a few minutes we made it to the end of the driveway.  Lunch in Sky Meadows State Park, VA.  Just a little drizzle, but it was nice.  The road thru the picnic area kept getting smaller and smaller, and windier and windier... We saw Goldfinches, gorgeous.

As we approached Ohiopyle, the roads got narrow, windy and steep.  With a long steep narrow downhill, we came to the center of town... The Ohiopyle River is wide and rocky
..but it is the center of all activity, swimming, rafting, fishing, etc.  so we followed the signs and headed to the right up a steep narrow winding cell back down the steep winding road.  Saw a sign for camping, so again up a steep narrow winding cell coverage...down more time up another steep winding cell coverage...back down...this time I hit SOMETHING on the side of the road..thought I had ripped the camper right off the frame...WHAT A back to town, assessed the damage (really nothing..a few black marks that came off, and a little mark on the tire skirt). Used the cell coverage to find the campground.  I'm sure it's a lovely place, but we were ready just tuck into our little hidy hole.

So our photo of the day is "dinner in the Tardis."