Saturday, August 22, 2015

Massacre Rocks State Park - American Falls, ID

We got up early and got out quickly so that we would travel in the morning light shining on the Grand Tetons as we went through the park.  It was spectacular.  Interestingly, we followed the Snake River for the rest of the day, having lunch at a vista overlooking the river and finally going down I-86 (the shortest interstate highway) to Massacre Rock, where apparently Indians could ambush settlers as they went through the narrow passage there.  The park is nestled right next to the river with overlooks and hiking trails.  It's also haunted.  Our DVD player stopped working, the radio turned itself on in the middle of the night, the power was flickering, and the shower started leaking.  The next morning we decided to bicycle to Register Rock where the settlers had carved their names while traveling through the valley, until a pit bull made us turn around (we did get there, but by RV instead).

The Snake River in Idaho

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