Saturday, August 8, 2015

Ohiopyle State Park, PA

Our first day out.  Started with torrential rain as we were heading down the driveway...we had to pull off and wait for the rain to stop.  But within a few minutes we made it to the end of the driveway.  Lunch in Sky Meadows State Park, VA.  Just a little drizzle, but it was nice.  The road thru the picnic area kept getting smaller and smaller, and windier and windier... We saw Goldfinches, gorgeous.

As we approached Ohiopyle, the roads got narrow, windy and steep.  With a long steep narrow downhill, we came to the center of town... The Ohiopyle River is wide and rocky
..but it is the center of all activity, swimming, rafting, fishing, etc.  so we followed the signs and headed to the right up a steep narrow winding cell back down the steep winding road.  Saw a sign for camping, so again up a steep narrow winding cell coverage...down more time up another steep winding cell coverage...back down...this time I hit SOMETHING on the side of the road..thought I had ripped the camper right off the frame...WHAT A back to town, assessed the damage (really nothing..a few black marks that came off, and a little mark on the tire skirt). Used the cell coverage to find the campground.  I'm sure it's a lovely place, but we were ready just tuck into our little hidy hole.

So our photo of the day is "dinner in the Tardis."

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