Saturday, May 27, 2023

San Lorenzo Market - Florence, IT (Day 8 of 8)


Our final day in Italy.  We have a few rules here.  There must be at least one garden tour, one lemoncello spritz, and a Negroni. There has to be at least one meal of Tuscany beef, at least one gelato.  There must be a visit to the Mercato Centrale.  Besides that the day is pretty much free.  

Deb is concerned that we might have to throw food away, so we need to finish off the cheese, the wine, the Tuscan salami and the the potato chips.  It’s gonna be a full day!

Today there was a 24 hour train workers strike, but no worry it should all be over by tomorrow.  To add to the day, it is the first completely sunny day that we have had since we arrived with temperatures in the 80’s.  

Tomorrow we head home, let the adventures begin!

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