Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Hotel Pelops - Ancient Olympia, GR

 Our Mercedes has a built in navigation system, which is fortuitous since it is the only reliable system we have (we often drop cell coverage).  Today it, however, decided to take us on a short detour before putting us back on the same road we had been traveling.  We drove along the base of a huge cliff with all sorts of overhanging rocks until we got to a herd of goats being driven down the road by a pack of dogs.  Deb was fumbling with her phone, so you will just have to trust us that it happened.

Lunch, today, was the remains of the ham and cheese from yesterday, on the shores of the Ionian Sea.


Ancient Olympia is the home of the Olympic Games back in ancient times.  The archeological site is massive. There are ruins from 2000 BC to 500 AD. Different civilizations just kept adding or destroying.  Eventually a few earthquakes and a flood or two completed the destruction and buried the area under 25 feet of mud.

There was a temple to Pelops (same as the name of the hotel we are staying at).  Pelops is the god of Peloponnese.  It was said that he was dismembered and made into stew.  One of the gods ate his shoulder before they realized what had happened and reassembled him again.  Apparently, the ancients didn’t know about mastodons, etc so whenever they found a large bone, the assumed it came from a god and ceremoniously buried it.

The front desk at the hotel recommended a place for diner.  Deb has been looking for authentic pastitsio, so this was a great find.  We are still feeling our way around the metric system.  Last night we got a sense for what a liter of white wine looks like…it looks like a lot!

Tomorrow, we take in a museum before heading for our final stop in Greece, Patras.

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