Saturday, May 6, 2023

Likinia Hotel - Monemvasia Castle, GR


From Nafplio to Monemvasia was a winding road through the mountains.  We stopped in Tripoli for Greek Coffee and then in Sparta for coffee and toast.  Lesson five - if you drive far enough you will eventually find a parking spot.  Lesson six - noon is not lunch time, it’s coffee time.  Sometime after 2:00 is dinner.  Cocktails are served when there is a bartender, it’s too cold for beer, and Greek wine is available almost any time.

The roads through town are narrow and have cars parked randomly everywhere.  If you are not parked in a real parking spot, you just need to turn on your four way flashers.  This is a feature used extensively here.

 Monemvasia Castle has no cars, so we had to park outside the gate (about 1/2 mile away because of rule 5).  We have a great little room overlooking the bay.  We ate a pretty light dinner with a cheese filled pastry and cheesy mashed potatoes which were beyond delicious with all sorts of indescribable flavors.  We topped it off with orange cake and ouzo and a wine liquor.   It started to drizzle a little, so ducked into a little bar for a nightcap. 

Tomorrow, we head for Kalamata.

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