Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Lincoln City KOA - Otis, OR

We have decided to head south and see Justin in Marina, CA.  This adds approximately 1000 miles to our trip, but Deb says that she is up for it...there are two ways we can do this....the interstate or the coastal highway.  The decision has to be made 10 miles from the campground, and to make matters worse, we don't have any cell coverage, so we don't know if he is even available.  The decision is made...the coastal road, by the time we get to Fork, WA, we have confirmation that he is can see us.

The northern part of the Oregon coast is filled with little beach towns...with hundreds of little trinket shops...a thousands of RV's and SUV's all towing something and driving way slower than we would like.  Our plan is to get in by 3:00 to do laundry, but we don't get in till after 5.

We are now rethinking our strategy...with a fairly short haul over the mountains, we can pick up the interstate...or we can continue the coastal road...we decide to decide at dinner...

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