Thursday, August 10, 2017

Benbow KOA - Garberville, CA

We have continued our trek down the Oregon Coast.  We have 733 miles to go in two days to get to Marina, CA to see Justin  The best solution is 413 today and the rest tomorrow, to make an earlier arrival...but we typically max out our days at 350, so this is going to be stretch.  The coast road turns out to absolutely gorgeous, with high cliffs, and pounding surf.  Once we get to Eureka, CA, the road turns inland and turns to a narrow two lane road winding perilously close to giant redwoods that are right on the edge of the road...apparently in road construction, redwoods still have the right-of-way! Meanwhile, we are dealing with microclimates, it was in the 50’s on the coast and is in the 90's inland.

Tomorrow is the leg south, some lovely drive still left in "the 101," but it will be short lived as we get into the Bay Area.

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