Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Lake of the Ozarks State Park - Osage, MO

We took a respite from Interstate travel in Lawrence, KS.  We had a few grocery items to pick-up, especially: dog food, a couple of proteins, and some vegetables.  We found a local co-op in Lawrence. It was like walking into a specialty store you would find in San Francisco.  They had an entire row of bins with such things as Western Barley Groats and Pink Cambodian Rice.  I  bought some Golden Beets...tastes just like beets but no red stains! For Drex, I bought some high end dog food...grass feed beef and lamb with organic garlic, carrots and sweet potatoes.

For lunch we stopped at a county park on a small reservoir. With some fresh ciabatta bread, we made Philly Cheesesteaks.  We arrived in Lake of the Ozarks State Park, and were led to our campsite by our host...who only got a little lost...twice.  In fairness, it was a long drive, and the site numbers aren't totally logical.  We have a site 10’ from the water...and we are here for two days.  The campground is nearly empty.  It turns out, this is the first week of school.

This was our last rest stop before heading home. We spent the morning on a nice little walk with Drex.  He is getting so old, it can take a really long time to walk a mile or two.  After lunch, we
decided to rent a boat and leave Drex to recover from the morning with some air conditioning.  The wind was strong on the lake which meant that high freeboard of a canoe would be a problem; however kayaks could be a problem because we couldn't support each other.  As it turned out, they had double kayaks...the perfect solution.  Although the wind was strong, we made good headway and we could hide on the lee side of the lake,  then the rain came...buckets of it (the weather forecast called for clouds), and then came the lightning. We high-tailed it for our campsite...once we got there Deb jumped out of the kayak, heading for the RV, leaving me in the kayak, in the rain, with the keys....after returning the kayak, we settled down for an evening of heavy rain....maybe we can dry things out tomorrow..

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