Thursday, June 3, 2021

Newton Hills State Park - Canton, SD


We occasionally refer to our RV as our land yacht, since we traded sailing for RVing.  Sailing with wind just off the bow is uncomfortable, called “sailing to weather”. Yesterday, we sailed to weather the entire day with the prevailing wind just off to the right.  The fact that the prairies were dotted with wind turbines confirmed that it wasn’t going to get better, and our gas mileage confirmed it. As the saying goes, “Gentlemen do not sail to weather!”

After a full day of rolling prairies, we were skeptical that we would actually find a hill at Newton Hills State Park, but not only did we find a hill but some woods as well.  Even with a stop at Walmart in Sioux

Falls, where I had both pimentos and artichoke hearts on my shopping list (it took five employees including an inventory specialist to find pimentos...they were next to the artichokes), we got to the campground early enough for a nice hike on the “Woodland Trail.”

Tomorrow we should be on a beam reach the entire way.  Or as the saying goes, “may you have clear skies and following seas.”


  1. The next time you buy pimentos you’ll always remember this place

  2. Your going to miss your land yacht after you part ways with it.
