Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Casper KOA - Bar Nunn, WY

The day started like any other day, well any other day when you didn’t have internet access so you drive to the first vista point with a view of Jackson Lake and the Tetons as the sun is rising while drinking your coffee and checking your mail.  With one final pass to climb to get to the continental divide, we are on a downhill slide to the Mississippi River.

The Casper KOA is at the old Casper Airport.  The land was bought by Ronnie Nunn in 1954 To start a horse ranch called Bar Nunn.  He eventually parceled it out and it became the city of Bar Nunn. The airport hanger, which is right across the street from the campground, has been
The Hanger (our dinner spot)
repurposed as a sports bar and restaurant.  We had to check it out. It’s the best place to eat here, Bar Nunn!

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