Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Burrit’s Rapids - Rideau Canal, C

 Finished the Long Reach.  As planned, we arrived at Burrit’s Rapids at precisely noon.  As we were in the middle of lunch we were offered the opportunity to “lock-thru.”  As a further incentive, we were informed that none of the electrical outlets on this side of the lock worked.  So we moved to the upward side of the locks for the night.  Trying to avoid the standard birthday belittling, I asked Deb not to divulge that it was my birthday, but calls from both my children caused concerns that there may be troubles afoot.  Deb finally confessed and all was, for the most part, well.

For Canada, today was particularly hot, so we opted not to use the hob (Canadian for stove).  We cooked sausage, with asparagus, carrots and potatoes on the outdoor BBQ.  We have planned the rest of the trip in minute detail.  Of course, by mornings, things will have changed.

As a little birthday present to myself, I obtained a sport fishing license for the day.  I got to do some fly casting, while the rest of the part stayed on the boat to heckle me.

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