Thursday, September 1, 2022

Ion Adventure Hotel. - Nesjavellir, Iceland



There appears to be no Icelandic word for “hurry”. We asked for a taxi to get to the car rental center (apparently Uber & Lyft didn’t see the value in paying taxes). After quite awhile, our taxi arrived.  Got the car with a standard shift, Deb had said it was like riding a bicycle.  She wasn’t so sure as I bucked her into the windshield a few times (it got better as the day went on).  The weather was much nicer, although it rained harder and there was a little sleet, the wind had died down to a steady 20 mph.  Even with all our rain gear, we got pretty wet.  My boots may never be dry again!  We saw waterfalls and geysers, finishing the day at Gulfoss, a huge waterfall, massively impressive.
Our room

We found the Ion Adventure Hotel which is located precisely at the center of nowhere.  Once we got to the room, we stripped off our wet clothes (we were actually pretty dry, all things considered).  Naturely, we were the first to the bar, the first to the restaurant, the first back to the bar, and first to our rooms.  Maybe tomorrow night, we can be more European.

The bar

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