Thursday, October 15, 2020

Natural Chimney Regional Park - Harrisonburg, VA

We have been here before.  There are no little driveways to indicate where to park.  If you can reach you utilities, you are in your spot.  After our lengthy hike in the mountains, we are ready to just sit and relax.  Do some e-mails, read some internet posts...participate in our interconnected world.  But no, not even a snippet of internet.  All we have for entertainment is each other...that only goes so far!  At least we have television, and tonight is the final Biden-Trump debate.  So at the logistics meeting...AKA dinner, we discuss the options.  We decide to watch the news, enjoy a fire till 9:00, watch the debate, go to bed, get up early and drive 38 miles to the closest interstate rest area for showers, breakfast, and of course, Internet.  But there is a flaw in our plans.  This could be our last outing, and we would be dumping our waste tanks BEFORE our showers.  New plan...shower tonight.  Everything is set.  After dinner, we watch the news, Deb takes a shower and I start the fire with the left over wood from last night.  The fire is lovely, until it isn’t.  I tried to restart the fire by blowing on it, without much success.  Finally, I took Deb’s hair dryer out to blow on the fire.  Wow, that created a roaring fire...sort of like a blast furnace, until I turned off the hair dryer, then the flames just went out.  Somewhere in the middle of all this Deb quietly snuck inside.

We watched the debate, went to bed, up at 5:30.  Off to the scenic rest area for a beautiful sunrise over the foggy valley, with coffee, breakfast, and internet.  And so ends our 2020 RV season!

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