Thursday, September 17, 2020

Hungry Mother State Park - Marion, VA

 We left the house at 9:00 and at 4:00 in the afternoon, we were still in Virginia (I know, reminds you of an old Ford, you once owned).  It has finally turned the corner and is actually a little chilly.  For our trip, we made some beef stew and cooked it in a tiny little crockpot that fits in the sink, as we trapsed across Virginia.  Shortly before we got there, they lost power to the entire park.  It didn’t really bother us, after all we have enough battery power to run for a few days.  But wait besides not having power, they had no internet.  Now we have a HUGE problem.  My ebook is about to expire, I have nothing to read.  So I set the clock back on my iPad (I actually got a year younger) to keep my book.

With no power and no internet, Deb and I decided to have a campfire.  I bought $6 worth of wood from the host, used my self made candle wax and cardboard fire starter and after a long smokey beginning we had a lovely fire that burned for hours (and hours).

By morning, Hurricane Sally decided to visit with a slow steady rain that was going to last the entire day.  After donning our rain gear, we took a nice hike up a fairly steep ridge.  With a nice view of the lake and the mountains, we found a little tiny bar, not much bigger than a human hair, but just enough to get our email and text messages.

Off to a rest area, with real bandwidth for lunch.

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