Wednesday, June 3, 2020

First Landing - Virginia Beach, VA

We were going with our plan, sell the RV and tour Europe.  We had tickets, hotel reservations, the works...and then came COVID-19, and the world closed.  After 94 days sheltering in place, we decided to pull the RV out of mothballs (nobody’s buying RV’s right now anyway) for a trip to the four corner states. Before launching a cross country trip, we decided it might be prudent and possibly even enjoyable to spend a few nights at our favorite local haunt.  Of course, we are still in Phase 1 of the “reopening” and because of Police injustice there is rioting on the streets of Virginia Beach and an all night curfew.

The RV was completely emptied and nicely cleaned last year.  So everything that was normally “just there,” just wasn’t....bath mat, citronella candles, mixing bowls, cheese board, grater...just to name a few.  Since the RV was empty, I thought it might be nice to fix a few of the storage “issues” we have had in the past.  My ideas have met with mixed success...well, really no success at all.  Well, without failure there can be no improvement.  My favorite camping accessory is “Dragon-in-a-Box” firestarter but is no longer available.  For this trip, I ripped up cardboard and soaked the pieces in melted candle wax as a substitute.  Of course, you can’t have a nice roaring fire when there is a curfew because people are lighting things on fire.  So it’s long socially distanced walks on the beach, haute cuisine...well as hautie as you can be using a sauce pan as a mixing bowl and potato peeler as a cheese grater...and quiet evening with nothing but the sounds of sirens and helicopters to break the serene sounds of waves crashing on beach.

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