Friday, January 26, 2018

Manatee Springs State Park - Chiefland, FL (2)

Day two, and still no outdoor furniture.  It was cold enough for our warm coats.  We walked the dog around the park and saw the campers all huddled around the little cafe they have at the Springs. Seemed strange, must be something there...ah ha...Internet. Bunches of people holding phones or typing at their laptops.  Once Drex was exercised, we dropped him off to take a short walk at something faster than the geriatric pace that Drex sets.  A short boardwalk led to a short path which led to a longer path, which led to a “ScenicTrail.”  It was a lovely walk, but we finally turned back, with no particular “Scenic Trail” stuff ever discovered.

Small alligator on shore
After lunch, we went canoeing.  This has been on Deb’s must-do list since we came here in 2015. With a brief trip down the Manatees Spring Stream (the spring produces over one million gallons of water a day, so the current is pretty fast), we were on the Swanee River, actually “way down upon the Swanee River!”  We paddle against the mild current and the wind for about an hour until we were well upstream of the campground, turned around and Huck Finned our way back.

At the mouth of the stream there were at least a hundred buzzards up in the trees.  The water was so clear that Deb saw a 4’ catfish... “How big Deb? “.... “Honest, it was this big!  On the shore was a small alligator, maybe 3’ long, honest!

Back to the RV for some BBQ, and a good Doctor Who episode.  Tomorrow, the Butterfly Rainforest in Gainesville, and then to Jekyll Island, our last campground on the way home.

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