Saturday, April 29, 2017

Big Meadows - Shenandoah National Park

Sunrise in Shenandoah NP
Off early in the morning to Lynchburg Art League to pick up six pieces of art.  Most of it is beautifully boxed and goes into the hold. Some, not so much and go on the bed.  Then on to McGuffey Art Center in Charlottesville for two more.  Lunch in the parking lot...actually much more enjoyable than it sounds.  On to Shenandoah National Park. Even though it is the last week in April, there are no leaves on the trees as we get to the ridge line.  We find a nice spot (E-175) right on the edge.  From the back of the RV it is a steep drop which ends two or three miles down in the valley.  The wind has picked up, which makes sitting outside more challenging. However, there are no bugs and we get to take some nice little hikes along the Appalachian Trail which runs right behind us.

According to the weather people, it is suppose to be hot...but in reality, it's cool.  We had planned to grill some steaks, but the wind is too strong.  So it's steaks with grilled Brussels sprouts and new potatoes.  By the time we finished dinner and a walk, it started to pour!  We finished watching "Interstellar."  That's an interesting movie!

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