Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Occoneechee State Park - Clarksville, VA

Occoneechee State Park
Did a nice hike this morning...3.3 mile loop to a hilltop with scenic vistas, back in time for lunch at the picnic area.  We finally found some fairy stones, once you know where to look, they are easy to find....we found several at the gift shop at the park office.  It turns out in their raw form, they are not very impressive, but once ground down and polished they are worth $3.99 each.

We had a calm and folegic trip to the campground that I cut-and-pasted into the title of this blog.  Unfortunately the last red site was snagged online just as I was trying to get a site, so we had to settle for purple unless of course we wanted blue.  Green is closed for the season.  This is when you nod and pretend you have some idea what we are discussing.  It turns out that the red sites are in the water but have no utilities and are not even close to level, the purple sites are close to the water, somewhat more level, but still no utilities, the blue sites are larger, more level and have electricity and water.  The green sites are someplace totally different that we can't get to.

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