Monday, October 10, 2016

Home (10/9/16)

The day started out like any other travel day.  Bags packed and ready to the airport with time to spare.  The plan is to get breakfast on the other side of security.  The line to check the bags is fairly long but moving until just before we get to the counter.  All of a sudden three families are at the only three check-in stations.  One of the families has been there for over an hour, the other two for at least half an hour, the line is growing, and nothing is happening.  Finally we check our bags, but with less than 10 minutes to boarding.  We have to get through Security and Passport control and get to the extreme far end of the airport (5th largest in the world).  We make it just in time, but no potty break.  The flight leaves just a little late, but they can make up the time, we are next in line to take off....then it happens...there is a bag on the plane without an owner (possibly someone who did not walk as fast as we did, or took a potty break.  The plane heads back to some remote part of the terminal to pick up the errant passenger.  By now we are over an hour late when we get to Dublin.  Justin and Nathan's flight to SFO is scheduled 10 minutes ahead of ours so they say their goodbyes on the plane and scoot. We rush through the airport, through Irish customs, through security, through US Customs Pre Clearance.  Somehow we get the priority line (might be because I registered with the State Dept) but the kids don't...we waive goodbye, one more time as we leave the customs area.  Both our flights are in "Final Boarding" status.  Because there are so many stragglers, the flight gets delayed, but we are off to Washington (still no food or potty break).  We have no idea if the kids made their flight or not.

Airplane food never tasted soooo good!  We get to Washington, over an hour late, but the Jetway will not move...technicians are called to fix it...delaying everything for another half hour, which causes more people to miss their connecting flights (we're delighted that this is our final destination and we can take our time).

Of course, we can run through airports, but our bags can't so they got left behind somewhere.  The kids make their flight, but lose their luggage, as well.  Hopefully, we'll get our bags in a few days.  It was interesting to see how a single event in Amsterdam could have such a profound effect on the entire system.  All in all, a very angsty day....but in the end we all made it home safe and sound.

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