Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Hotel Firefly - Zermatt, Switzerland (9/20/16)

There is no dining room in the hotel, so they serve breakfast at the dining table in your comes when you ask for it, and it's really good (I'm trying to pretend that this is what I expect everywhere I go...not working, is it?)

Today is suppose to be the better of the next two days, so we are taking the cog railroad to Gornergrat, elevation 10,000 ft.  It snowed the last few days...only a few inches though.  The clouds are blocking much of the view, so we go inside for the time we are ready to go, the sun is shining brightly and you can see everything.  It's one of those places that needs to be seen in person. On the way back, we get off the train a few stops early, in Riffelalp, and walk back to Zermatt.  It is all downhill, very downhill.  It's a gorgeous walk, but it's downhill, very downhill.

Finally back in Zermatt, but a little early for dinner, we have a drink at the hotel bar.  They have a hand cranked meat slicer that makes prosciutto, sliced tissue thin.  We got a small mountain of it to go with our beers.  Off to dinner at Whymper-Stube...Schweinsteak with Mozzerella...back to the bar, another mountain of prosciutto.

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